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october 29, 2023

hi chat!! i'm so tired. god i'm so fucking tired.

i have worn my vincent purple guy fnaf cosplay 2 days in a row - once for my viewing of the fnaf movie and the second time for costume day at my job. and don't get me wrong! i love my costume cus i put my whole pussy into it. however comma i am not used to the color contacts i use for it. i super duper like them a lot i think they're really neat and i am going to wear them often outside of the costume but bro my fucking eyes bro. they are so dry. i also dyed my hair for the costume

real quick while fnaf is on my mind, the movie was fucking awesome. if you're a day one fan of fnaf you will love the movie, don't listen to the critics cus they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. that movie was For The Fans. there were loads of cool and fun easter eggs, and the animatronics were so so so fucking cool.

i really loved matpat's cameo, and i freaked out when he said "that's just a theory" lmfao. i wasn't ever really a viewer of mister kenshin but i'm glad he got a role in the movie as well especially since youtube fucking him over from last year. it's a shame that markiplier couldn't be in the movie (hoping he's in the second one) but the people in the theater probably would've lost their minds seeing him so early in the movie (icymi, mark was supposed to be the security guard fleeing the pizzeria at the very beginning of the movie). the scene with the animatronics building a little fort with vanessa and mike and abby was super cute and had me smiling so much :] and mister lilard did a great job as william afton !! since i'd been following stuff for the movie for a while, knowing that lilard was afton kinda ruined what was supposed to be the twist but i wasn't too distraught about it. i really hope that we (the fanbase) end up making rocky horror style callouts for that movie because it's paced perfectly for something like that. could you imagine a theater of people chiming in with "a game theory" after mat's last line in the movie? or cracking jokes about stuff going on in the movie? i think it would enhance the experience greatly.

anyways back to me complaining about my life lol. i think that i need to start seeing a therapist again, because i am feeling some Symptoms of Mental Illness and it's really taking a toll on me physically i think. i'm so tired all the time - not in the way that like i feel like life is meaningless but in the way that i need to actually just sleep for a while. i'm not deprived of sleep, i'm eating normally, so i don't understand why i'm still feeling so tired. then i've been feeling nauseous for like a week now, and i know i'm not sick with something. i've also been clenching my jaw way hard lately to the point where like,, my teeth are hurting. weirdly enough i'm super relaxed only when i'm driving.

180 from that, i got super distracted in the middle of writing that becaue i was thinking about my partner and how much i love them and how cute and hot and sexy they are.

okay back to being normal, i am going to work on the mega man shrine. i'm prolly gonna put all of my mega man plamo/figures in one pic cus i have so many of them now lmao. so big huge overhaul for the mega man shrine. uh! and then i'm also prolly gonna add some more stuff to the character wiki as well like a ~new character~ and also some writings hehe. i've also (at some point) got to add a section for comics in particular tbh. okay i'm going to stop myself now before i overwhelm myself.

tomorrow i might play some ffvii?? i haven't touched it in a minute. my room is set up in such a manner that gaming on my television is a very awkward thing to do so like i might only play for like an hour like i have been tbh. i'm still in the shinra building so We Shall See what happens tomorrow. i mean it'll probably happen cus it's supposed to rain tomorrow, too.