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april 25, 2024

hey cyberdudes, back at it with your monthly update. i've got some, uh, things to talk about this update. life sorta hit me like a truck y'know? i won't go into great detail, but you'll get the gist - i prommy.

so! firstly, i'm on a job hunt. i have no idea if art will work out for me as a career (one can only hope and wish and pray), and current job has started to really get on my nerves. life has been calling for me to start thinking about my big boy career which is kind of scary to be honest. something something childhood crumbling around me. (digression - this is a thought process that is getting old to me. i'm tired of mourning the passage of time, and i'm tired of yearning for a life that i will never live.) i will, of course, still be continuing my creative pursuits - you can't get rid of me that easily.

second, family issues have cropped up. it's stuff i really shouldn't be discussing in detail on the internet, so i won't! all i will say is that i wish i could do more, but i can't. it's just something i'm having a hard time accepting.

third! i'm working on a bi-weekly comic strip for ghost harem. i've got a start date in mind and enough ideas to last me through the rest of the year as i continue to brush up the outline. i'm so so so excited to share this with people, and i really hope that it means something to whoever reads it.

ah, what else? i'm not sure. i'm writing this really late at night on about 4 hours of sleep. if i remember anything else tomorrow i'll just make a new blog post. oh - i did get the eric carr record store day release this year. i might add a section about it to my KISS shrine when i'm feeling bored. alright, i think that's everything i can think of. thanks for reading as always.