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september 29, 2024


one of my good friends who is very much a finance guy (not derogatory) has a great term for things like, oh, i dunno, classic cars - things that have costly issues on a semi-regular basis. financial napalm. it's a long story for how i came upon my current daily driver so i'll spare the gory details. basically i bought it for cheap and it is semi-reliable (when it runs, it runs good), but my shit is fucked for a bit and i now have to mentally prepare myself to deal with the monetary consequences in 5.

did i mention my commissions are open btw?

last time it was out of commission like this was a year ago, i wanna say. i've been without a car for a few days, and i already feel like i'm going stir crazy. i hate that i have to rely on someone else's schedule to be able to go out and do something with my day, unless i wanna bike or walk somewhere. the parasites in me tell me i can bike/walk up the huge hill (my neighborhood is in a valley) to go to a local eatery, but my brain knows i'll be sweaty and gross and exhausted. hopefully update on car will happen tomorrow.

anyways! my guys! my boyos! ghost harem! i've been keeping up with it and i'm very proud of myself for that. i think this is the longest time i've ever stuck with doing a thing. i've got 100 likes in total on their tumblr blog. it makes me so happy to know that ppl enjoy them so much!! i have so so much work to do for them we're not going to talk about how i'll probably be running myself into the ground for them sooner rather than later. but i will try my best! and i hope they continue to be enjoyed. i've started the first draft of ghost harem a couple days ago and i feel almost giddy with excitement.

i also started posting on bluesky, because it's like twitter but not twitter. i think people would be more inclined to look at my art (or commission me because, again! i need money) and potentially share it around quicker. it does feel very tumblr-esque in the way posts are cycled/shared, but with a twitter form factor. born to post art for joy and whimsy, forced to capitalism. hell world.

something else i've been up to is book club with some friends. i've wanted to start a book club for a while now, to be more excited about reading and to try to get my friends more invested as well. and it's working, with the caviat that we're reading warrior cats. and that only 2 of the 5 people who said they'd be interested actually participate. hm. did i mention that after warrior cats we're reading diary of a wimpy kid? call me a bitch for complaining about people reading but i really really wanted to read some big boy books with my friends as, y'know, a 22 year old. whos friends are also 22 year olds. maybe once they get into it i can attempt to ease them into bigger books? idk, we'll see. i just hope it happens sooner rather than later.

as for site things, i'll probably focus on organizing everything and putting up more art when i bite the bullet and purchase a pc. dream purchase of mine for a while tbh, and i love my laptop a lot but i've had it since high school, and every year live out of this is another reminder of how old it's getting. would love something more modular and with more storage and better performance. regardless, i'll try to put up some new art and sketches n things in my art tab when i can. thanks for reading all this if you did, you'll hear from me in a month, probably.