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Ted Reed

if there was a man to embody the song "english tea" by paul mccartney, it would be this guy.

Ted is one of two ghosts in this story - the other one being his partner/lover in life (and in death) Artie. Ted comes from a very wealthy family, and is the original owner of the house that the story takes place in. While at first he is very against Sebastian staying at the house, Ted eventually warms up to him. Whether it be through scolding or particularly intense persuasion, Ted provides Sebastian with much needed routine and guidance in his daily life - especially when it comes to self care. Ted shows his affection to others through providing some kind of structure or enhancement to quality of life. This is, of course, difficult for him to do as a ghost - so he ends up sort of bullying Sebastian into doing things like tidying up around the house, doing laundry, taking regular showers, making himself proper meals, among other things.

Pronouns he/him
Age 29 (at time of death)
Birthdate Oct. 27, 1945
Deathdate Nov. 5, 1974
Height 5' 3"
Hair color Brown
Eye color pale blue/grey


this section will be kept out (for now) due to the fact that it's literally just spoilers and also not fully developed yet!! i do have stuff in the works for teddy but i don't wanna jump the gun.


Allowing Sebastian to stay at the house was definitely not Ted's first choice. Obviously being a ghost didn't let him get a great idea of where the world was headed, but in his opinion, Sebastian wasn't setting a great example. Breaking into their house was not the best first impression - Ted viewed Sebastian's aggressive and destructive tendencies as juvenile, and his "ego" was a really pathetic show. Ted didn't just think he was better than Sebastian, he knew that he was. For a long while, Ted truly didn't believe that Sebastian was in a popular band - he assumed it was some sad attempt at a power play.

After he had the opportunity to witness Sebastian's way of living, Ted's annoyance turned to pity then concern. The main ways that Ted shows compassion is through little reminders, making sure that chores get done around the house, and getting Sebastian to take care of himself.

Ted borrows Sebastian's body every so often (though not as much as Artie) to continue experiencing sensations and activities he once enjoyed while he was alive. This is including, but not limited to - gardening, going to museums, brewing and drinking tea, reading a book like a normal person as opposed to letting it rest open on a desk or table (particularly useful if the book was a newer paperback and wouldn't lay flat). He would also redo a task that he felt Sebastian had not done adequately enough.


Ted has gained a newfound respect for Sebastian. Despite the fact that he is entirely ready to move on from the corporeal realm, Ted chooses to stay with Artie until he's ready to go as well. He believes that unless he's there with him Artie would drive himself crazy on his own, which could lead him to be trapped there for eternity.

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Romance novels Heavy metal music
Sorting things Bugs
Parallel play Summer (season)
Watching movies Polyester blend fabrics
Making & drinking tea Capitalism
Sebastian Sykes Lover
Artie Grace Lover
Marcus Kelly Lover
Harvey Bennett Accquaintence

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ted's reference sheet