




silly guy central

>> ghost harem

fun links

my jam!! Can't Wait to See the Movie

rock me The Beatles

site button

brothers webcomic

i'm alive i prommy! busy month, will blog post in august :]

my top 3 guys atm!! ted, sebastian, and artie - they're from my story, 'Ghost Harem'

hi, i'm charlie. welcome 2 my internet heaven. i'm a humanities enthusiast - in other words, i love art and literature and philosophy and language and how we as people communicate with one another. i won't divulge too much of my lore here. maybe you'll put some pieces together if you put your stat points into perception.

if you ever get lost or you're looking for something, remeber to always follow your heart.

ghost harem biweekly

july,14 2024


Dizzy Velvet Blue skelenby: 				create - collect lapislabel TTB Button1 Moth fuzzybuzzy


Jun. 30, 2024 - added artie's wiki page, created an archive page for the biweekly comics.

Jun. 2, 2024 - GHOST HAREM IS REAL NOW!! please enjoy my guys :]

Apr. 25, 2024 - ooh, new image of the guys to decorate the home page! how pretty ~

Feb. 25, 2024 - updated resources page, added ted's wiki page

Jan. 16, 2024 - added the hold charlie accountable bulliten

Dec. 7, 2023 - updated sebastian's wiki page

Nov. 9, 2023 - added new character wiki entry

Nov. 3, 2023 - added mega man shrine.

Oct. 18, 2023 - adding the stamps that i forgot to add, fixed the sitemap thing where you couldn't access it on wiki pages and the KISS shrine. added wii webring.

Oct. 17, 2023 - we are so fucking back